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For fucks sake....

Posted by pheel - November 26th, 2008

This one is for ignorant fuck tards like JonnyFartpants.

Jonny was kind enough to post a MIDI link in a review on my What Is Love song.
I thank him for that because now I can prove that I made it from scratch.

First of all I'm not sure if Jonny actually listened to both tracks but I can notice a lot of substantial differences between the MIDI and my track so either he's just desperately trying to pick a fight with someone or his head is stuck so far up his own arse he's lacking the ability to hear properly.

Not only that but look at the images below. (Because I can only upload 1 image per post on Newgrounds I uploaded them all to Photobucket so just follow the links)

http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r18 3/Pheel_125/wilmidi.jpg
This one is how the MIDI file the Jonny posted in the review looks in Fruity Loops. Notice how all the channels are full and there is only 1 pattern throughout the whole song.

http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r18 3/Pheel_125/wil1.jpg
This is my project. Notice anything different? The pattern displayed is pattern 1 which I used for the main vocals. There's a total of 22 patterns used in my song.

http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r18 3/Pheel_125/wil2.jpg
Here is the playist showing bar 14 to bar 34. The song is a total of 138 bars long or 4:22. The MIDI file is longer and it's 1 pattern stands at 145 bars or 4:36.

http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r18 3/Pheel_125/wil2.jpg
This one shows the rest of the playist and the 138 bar total.

Not only this but if you looks at the colour of the channels in the MIDI you'll see they're all green. When you import a sound into the channel the colour doesn't change. It stays green.
If you look at the first screenshot of MY track you'll notice all the channels are red because I IMPORTED THEM MYSELF.

Is this proof enough? If not give me an MSN addy or something and I'll send you my fucking project file.

I'm sick of this. I put a lot of effort into this song and I'm not having some fucking retard calling me a liar and questioning my work.

Your move Jonny...


He is just a cunt who is bitter cause you can make good music.

And all he can do is leave shitty comments.

What a douche.

You're telling me.
Stupid arse hole :P

You can import a midi and change things around on it you know... And who you kidding saying you put alot of effort into them, have you heard them?

I've just uploaded my "rip" of What is love, should be up and day now once administrators have checked it

SO you honestly think that I downloaded that MIDI, Imorted it to FL,rearranged every small piece of the song into 22 short and completely different patterns spanning accross 138 bars?....

Are you mentally ill or actually clinically dangerous?

Jesus fucking christ you are so ignorant.
People like you should be fucking strung up.

you aint got a clue about making music have u son! u fucking girly looking emo, why don't u go play with ur razorblades and why would u want to look like a girl!

I highly suggest before your next comment getting someone, possibly an adult or someone with brains to spell check your work. Cause right now it's pretty appauling.

Why don't I go play with razorblades? Why would I? I don't hate my life funilly enough.. and to be honest it doesn't sound like it would be very fun.

Why would I want to look like a girl? I don't. I wanted to have long hair. :D Do you criticize girls for having short hair?

I'm seeing a pattern developing with some of the more retarded people on this site. They're all either backwards misanthropes who strive of threatening people from behind the comfort of their keyboards or 12 year old 360 tards who have just leanred to swear and do it every other word in a sentence to get a point across.

Which are you boy?

"Why would I want to look like a girl? I don't."

Have you looked in the mirror? and to be quite frank your a fuckin ugly girl 2

"Why would I want to look like a girl? I don't."
Meaning I don't want to look like a girl. It's not a task I set my self.

Do you honestly think I give 2 shits about what you think of my appearance? :D
And to be honest trying to criticize someone's picture when you are quite clearly such a dissapointment to your mother that you upload some cartoon rather than a picture of yourself doesn't make much sense.

Does she not allow your face to be seen on the internet incase it has an effect on people similar to the effect of The Ark on nazi's?

For starters i am 22 years old so mummy can fuck right off and why the fuck (or for what purpose) would i need / want to upload a picture of myself onto the interent where geeks and freaks meet (such as yourself you ugly shit)

I was under the impression that most 22 year olds had lives or jobs and didn't spend their time on the internet searching for people to act like pathetic wankers to. You must seriously fail at life.

Don't know really. Maybe you have some sort of horrific facial disfigurement you wouldn't want anyone to see. Or is it still because your mum doesn't want your shameful face on the internet?
Don't worry though, you can now. If you recall you just told her to fuck right off.

Eee that'll show her ;D

So I have started this now have I...?

Lets take a look at the original review I wrote

There are artists out there who deserve to be in the all time top scoring and unfortunatly... This doesn't. This has been ripped from midi and simply the synths have been changed...............

Where is the proof you ask?

Just here (so feel free to do the same thing and make a "8 bit remix")

<a href="http://www.free-midi.org/midi1/h/hadd">http://www.free-midi.org/midi1/h/hadd </a> away-what_is_love.mid

My overall score for this song is:

Creativity 2
Originality 0

If this had been reconstructed from scratch then maybe I would of given a higher score so i'm sorry but a 1/10 is all that is deserved.

NOW.... Lets take a look at your "adult" response -

For the last fucking time.

You want me to send you my fucking project file to prove it? Huh?
Cause I have no problem with that.

Not only that but I can hear a number of substantial differences between that MIDI and my track.

PM me. Give me an MSN addy or something so I can send you the project file and put you in your fucking place.

Conclusion: Not only are you a child but your a fucking ugly one at that, the only thing your going to "put in its place" is your gay hair as you comb it like a little girl would.

Jonny made a funny. Well done to him.
Is it getting to much for you is it?

All I was trying to prove was that I had orginally made the track from scratch.
You couldn't accept that and you're still so naive and stubborn to maybe think you were wrong.

You've got no one to blame but yourself.

But please, keep the "insults" coming. I love it :D

I have myself to blame, you say? for putting my view across and getting in return a response with foul language instead of a simple "No I actually made this myself, you must be mistaken" It's shit anyway, cheap and tacky synths...

Trying to reason with you clearly wouldn't have worked.
In all honesty, do you believe I made it yet?

I love how your responses have changed from:
"you aint got a clue about making music have u son! u fucking girly looking emo, why don't u go play with ur razorblades and why would u want to look like a girl!"
to something that's actually half sophisticated.

It wasn't so much your opinion. More like "This is fake. Everyone believe me".

"It's shit anyway, cheap and tacky synths..." That's the closest you can get to an honest opinion and truth be told, I thank you for it.

* Trying to reason with you clearly wouldn't have worked.
Why would it of "clearly not worked" if not even tried?

* Why would you create it from scratch when you can get a midi and simply change the synths used for each track on the midi.... (There would clearly be no point and it's just wasting spare time which no one would do)

* Why wouldn't you make a remix of it using better synths or attempt to break the mold by changing the genre, for example making it a D'n'B remix or an ambient remix with alternative parts to add a bit of originality to it so you can truely say "this is my version of it" It just seems like there wasn't any reason or love put into this "8-bit remake" I was putting my point across (it's called freedom of speech) and your response (which could of been done 100 times better) was just childish and irrespectful as young children can read that foul "shitty mouth" language you put on there.

At the end of the day I don't see how I am at wrong for putting my view across and saying that there are artists out there (who work days and days on an original track) who deserve to be on the front page and that NG is not very good at recognising / acknoledging this.

Ok, very true.
*The way I acted in the response was abusive, uncalled for and over the top. I guess I was just in a bad mood and I apologise for it.

*I like to feel like I've actually put some effort into what I do. It would have been a lot quicker and easier to simply rip a MIDI but I don't like to do that. I had a lot of spare time and was verrry bored.

*You said it yourself. I'm shit :P. Well I wouldn't go as far as that but I can't do anything that good with Fruity Loops. I've only beign using the program since March this year. Hey, I try. I also like the 8bit sound so I commonly use it in my tracks. That and the fact it's very easy to work with.

Looking back on it all, it's a bit silly really -_-

ha look at ur hair

Shiny innit ;D